, (that company with the commercial that features a little girl who talks about what kind of babysitter she wants) just got a huge investment. Google is now the company’s largest investor after it purchased a $46.4 million stake in the company. This is equal to 17% of the website’s market value. Shares of … Continue reading “Google (GOOGL) Buys A $46M Stake In This Company”
Tag: Google
Google’s (GOOG) Next Android Will Have This Name
Google has named each of its Android version after a sweet treat and its new…
LinkedIn’s (LNKD) Most Attractive Employers In The World
In a new analysis by LinkedIn, the social networking site has ranked the 40 most…
Larry Page Had A Weird Meeting With Twitter’s (NYSE: TWTR) CEO
A Vanity Fair article written by Nick Bilton has revealed an interesting meeting that took…
Google’s (NASDAQ: GOOGL) Executive Chairman Keeps What In His Office?
Executive chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, has something quite sentimental in his office. The billionaire…
Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Co-Founder Invests In Flying Cars
We may not be too many years away from seeing flying cars outside our windows.…
Axl Rose Tells Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) To Remove His Fat Pictures
Guns and Roses singer Axl Rose is asking Google to remove his pictures. Why? Because…
Just Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Yourself To Manage Your Internet Privacy and Security
Pretty soon all people will need to do is put their name into Google to…
Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Dodges A Bullet For Us All
While many of us may not understand the aspects of Google's landmark case with Oracle,…
Ford (NYSE: F) Looks To Branch Beyond Car Manufacturing
Ford Motor Co Chairman Bill Ford, announced on Monday that the automaker is looking for…