Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Co-Founder Invests In Flying Cars

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We may not be too many years away from seeing flying cars outside our windows. Especially when billionaires are pouring money into them.

Citing sources, Bloomberg reported on Thursday that Google’s co-founder Larry Page is backing two start-ups that are working on flying cars. One of the start ups even includes him funding one of them with more than $100 million so far.

Page has poured more than $100 million into Zee.Aero since it started in 2010. The company conducts test flights of its prototype at an airport hangar in Hollister, California.

The start-up also has a manufacturing facility on NASA’s research center at the edge of Mountain View, according to Bloomberg.

Kitty Hawk is another start up funded by Page, that is working on a similar competing model.

Kitty Hawk employs about a dozen engineers and has its headquarters about half a mile away from Zee.Aero, is working on “something that resembles a giant version of a quadcopter drone”, reported Bloomberg.

Page has demanded that his involvement in the start-up should stay hidden, Bloomberg said.
Well, that didn’t pan out, did it?

Disclaimer: We have no position in Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) and have not been compensated for this article.