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Revealed: How one under-the-radar North American exploration company appears to offer…

The Best Way to Play the Historic Energy Shift for Maximum Profit Potential

Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF): A high-upside exploration play in the right place…with the right people…at precisely the right time.

Some are calling it “the greatest economic opportunity of our lifetime.”


And with good reason.


The explosion in demand for electric vehicles – as part of the worldwide energy transition now taking place – has caused lithium prices to soar…and those prices are projected to climb even higher.


Breaking News: Lancaster Resources Engages KLM to Conduct MT Surveys at its Alkali Flat Lithium Project

On August 3, 2023 Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) announced that it has engaged KLM Geophysics to conduct a Magneto-telluric (MT) Survey at its Alkali Flat Lithium Project in Lordsburg, New Mexico, USA to target highly conductive statigraphic units (layers) to further delineate drill targets in a highly prospective area on the NE part of the property.


Click here to read more.

That company is Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) – an emerging exploration company focused on developing high grade lithium assets in North America.


With two properties in outstanding locations – and an exploration team led by experts with a proven track record of success in resource and mineral extraction – Lancaster Resources appears to be a company in the right place…with the right people…at precisely the right time.


But Lancaster Resources’ vision goes beyond that of most companies. The company’s goal is to become a notable player in the exploration and discovery of essential minerals for electrification while contributing to a sustainable, renewable energy-powered world.


Led by a staff with tremendous expertise in mineral exploration – and with a firm commitment to sustainability – the company is working to quickly establish a competitive edge in the market.


To that end, Lancaster Resources is building a portfolio of projects in North America, allowing the company to take advantage of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act as well as Canadian Tax Incentives.


Here are six reasons investors should consider fast-moving Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) in the coming weeks:

6 Critical Reasons Why Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) Offers Investors High-Upside Potential in the Rapidly-Growing Lithium Market

Critical Reason #1: Historic Demand for Lithium Has Created a Fast-Moving Profit Opportunity

The global shift toward electric vehicles is unprecedented…and it’s causing massive disruption in the exploration space.


Electric vehicle manufacturers are feverishly scrambling for new lithium sources to keep their battery manufacturing plants operating…


According to the IEA, there will be a combined 145 million EV cars and trucks on the road by 2030. That compares to just 16.5 million on the road at the end of 2021.


The batteries for all these EV’s will require millions of tons of lithium.


But where will all of this badly-needed lithium come from?

Currently, the U.S. is home to just one large-scale lithium mine, the Silver Peak mine located in Nevada.


But to produce EV batteries at scale, the U.S. needs to stand up more domestic lithium projects.

In Nevada, Lithium Americas’ Thacker Pass project could produce an estimated 60,000 tonnes of battery-grade lithium per year. And in Arkansas, Standard Lithium’s Lanxess project could produce 29,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate per year.


Beyond lithium, global investment in the low-carbon energy transition – including solar technologies – totaled $1.1 trillion in 2022.


This is a new record and a huge acceleration from the year before – as the energy crisis and policy action drove faster deployment of clean energy technologies.


This policy action has been significant in North America, with sizable tax incentives for renewable energy in Canada triggering strong growth in renewable energy investment.


And in the United States, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 made the single largest investment in climate and energy in American history and helped put the United States on a pathway to achieving the Biden Administration’s climate goals, including a net-zero economy by 2050.


In the midst of this opportunity – with demand for lithium projected to continue driving prices higher – exploration companies with the potential to bring new North American supplies of lithium online should generate a great deal of attention.


That figures to be the case for Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF), as the company’s high-upside projects appear to offer tremendous potential in the midst of this red-hot lithium market.

Critical Reason #2: Lancaster Resources’ Alkali Flat Project: High-Grade Lithium Concentration and Extreme Upside Potential

Lancaster Resources’ flagship project is the Alkali Flat Lithium Project located in southwestern New Mexico.

The project has been discovered by Rodney Blakestad, a geologist with many successful discoveries of commercial grade deposits (see Reason #5 below.)

The location of the property is something investors should strongly consider, as Arizona Lithium (an Australian-listed company with a $66 million market cap) has staked property immediately to the north of Lancaster Resources’ Alkali Flat Lithium project.


In fact, Arizona Lithium has published exploration results showing significant sub-surface highly conductive targets over their adjacent claim with drill targets in the southeast – right next door to Lancaster Resources’ property – and have already announced drilling targets.


Lancaster’s exploration plan for the Alkali Flat Project is to define a closed basin brine with a commercially viable lithium deposit.


On July 11, 2023 Lancaster Resources reported high lithium values from its geochemical sampling at the project that were taken to assess the distribution of lithium and lithium pathfinder elements over a broad portion of the property.

The geochemical results of lithium values in the 143 sediment samples taken ranged from 69.6 ppm Li to 149.5 ppm Li, and the Mean was 113.8 ppm Li.  The results show several zones of notably high lithium concentrations in the sediments found in the northern and eastern part of the Property.  These results line up with the sediment analysis reported by Arizona Lithium Inc. from its adjacent Lordsburg property. 


Rodney Blakestad, a Qualified Person under NI 43-101, noted, “the results from the initial geochemical sampling is strong support that the property is an excellent target for exploration of a lithium brine deposit. The size and strength of the Lithium anomalous sediments at the Alkali Flat Lithium Project is particularly exceptional as they are among the highest values of lithium in sediment samples ever reported in New Mexico, USA and appear to be analogous to Clayton Valley while in a more geologically mature playa.


With both Arizona Lithium (AX: AZL) and Lancaster Resources moving forward – and with promising sample results for both companies – the race appears to be on for the next great North American lithium discovery between these two companies.

Could Lancaster Resources’ Alkali Flat Lithium Project
Become America’s Next Clayton Valley?

Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) intends to confirm the subsurface brine aquifers and geology at the Alkali Flat Lithium Project through a phase 1 geophysical program (MT)in late summer 2023 followed by an initial drilling program targeting MT located aquifers.


If the surface sediment geochemistry is representative of the subsurface, there could be substantial lithium brine reserves in the subsurface aquifer with a direct analogy being the brine deposits of Clayton Valley.


Clayton Valley – located in west-central Nevada – is home to North America’s only commercially producing lithium project – the Albemarle Silver Peak Mine.


The operations at Silver Peak, which originally were centered around the production of lithium carbonate, were purchased by Albemarle Corporation from Rockwood in 2014 for a sum of $6.2 billion.


The Clayton Valley lithium deposit is a salty subsurface brine with high levels of lithium contained in a series of aquifers. The brine is produced by drilling boreholes into the aquifers and pumping the brine to surface for lithium removal.

Lancaster Resources’ Alkali Flat Lithium Project appears in many ways to be very similar to Clayton Valley in that it is a large lithium closed brine exploration project located in New Mexico.


Much like Clayton Valley – which has the Silver Peak Hot Springs located near the western edge of the playa – the Alkali Flat Lithium Project also has hot springs nearby. And the Alkali Flat playa basin includes the large Bruce Levy (Lightning Dock KGRA: Known Geothermal Resource Area.)


The arid climate of southern New Mexico allows for ideal brine formation, and geological age relationships of the basin – which has not yet been drilled – demonstrate that sufficient accumulation of time was available in this long-lived basin to develop sustainable brines.


The early sample results from the Alkali Flat Project – as well as the potential for the region to become the next Clayton Valley – means that investors looking for the best way to play the scorching-hot lithium market would do well to consider the potential associated with under-the-radar Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF).


Critical Reason #3: Lancaster Resources’ Latest Acquisition Offers a Second North American Property in a Great Location

On July 25, 2023, Lancaster Resources announced its acquisition of 100% of the Trans-Taiga Lithium Project located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Region of Quebec.


The property appears to be in an ideal location – with neighbouring lithium projects, with identified Li20 concentrations, to both the east and west.

The Trans-Taiga Lithium Project covers 1,432 hectares and is located 120 km west of Patriot Battery Metals’ (TSXV:PMET) Corvette Project, and roughly 74 km west of Winsome Resources’ (ASX:WRI) Cancet Project. The Corvette Project is notable for its hard rock lithium project presenting lithium grades up to 5.10% lithium oxide (Li2O). Winsome’s Cancet reported grades up to 5.6% Li2O.


In line with the same greenspan belt, the Property is located 106 km east of Ophir Gold Corp.’s (TSXV:OPHR) Radis Project and 120 km east-northeast of Q2 Metals (TSXV:QTWO)’s Mia Lithium Property. Additionally, Loyal Lithium’s (ASX:LLI) Brisk Project, with its six separate claim blocks, reportsthat Block 1, located just a few kilometers west of the Property, holds the greatest lithium potential.


The Eeyou Istchee James Bay Lithium District in Quebec is rapidly becoming one of North America’s leading lithium districts, boasting ten advanced projects and multiple early-stage discoveries. The Whabouchi mine is one of the largest lithium deposits worldwide, with a Mineral Resource measuring 36.6 Mt at 1.3% Li2O.


At Lancaster Resources’ Trans-Taiga Lithium Project, pegmatites are confirmed to be present on the property, as recorded in the provincial government’s geological databases, SIGEOM. The documented mineral content includes garnets, muscovite, and tourmaline, all located within a white pegmatite in the Property’s northwestern region along the Trans-Taiga Road.


The company plans to embark on an exploration campaign on the property with a goal of identifying lithium-rich areas, constructing detailed geological maps, and evaluating the lithium content through sampling. 


This addition of a second potentially lithium-rich property is consistent with Lancaster Resources’ (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) mission of developing climate-positive lithium assets in North America as we transition toward a low-carbon economy.

Critical Reason #4: Lancaster Resource is Led by a Proven, Experienced Team of Experts

When evaluating any up-and-coming exploration opportunity, one of the most important considerations for an investor is the strength of the company’s leadership team.


It’s essential that a company is guided by experts with a proven track record of success in the space.


In the case of Lancaster Resources (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF), the company is being led by a highly skilled management and technical team.


In fact, Lancaster’s team has a collective involvement in over 15 commercial mineral discoveries, and endowed with extensive experience in the creation of lithium brine targets and the exploration and development of Lithium projects across Canada, the American West, Mexico, and South America. This highly impressive team includes:

Penny White BA, LLB – President and CEO


Penny White is an accomplished business leader with over 20 years of experience in the capital markets. As the President and CEO of Lancaster Resources Inc., she brings a wealth of expertise and leadership to the company.

Penny has a diverse background, with experience in sectors such as mining, pharmaceuticals, and clean energy. She was an initial officer and director of a pharmaceutical company that was later acquired for $342 million, and was the Chairman of Highbury Energy for 10 years, overseeing the development of the company’s gasification technology and registration of a patent to create high-grade synthetic gas from biomass. She has been recognized in PROFIT Magazine’s W100 list of top entrepreneurs and has raised over $50 million for companies she has founded.

Andrew Waston – VP, Engineering and Operations


Mr. Watson has 21 years of rich technical leadership, operations, corporate strategy, and commercialization experience in lithium, hydrogen, and conventional oil and gas production. Mr. Watson has demonstrated exceptional skill in managing high-stakes commercial projects and innovative clean energy technologies. 


His experience includes working as COO of Prism Diversified, to lead the technical development on two substantial battery metal critical mineral opportunities and spearheading the Lithium brine development opportunities on over 850 square miles of highly prospective brine resource. Additionally, Mr. Watson is leading engineering and economic studies for a surface ore body with a focus on recovery technologies that minimize environmental impact.

Rodney Blakestad, J.D., C.P.G.


Rodney Blakestad is a highly experienced consulting geologist with a successful career spanning over 40 years. Throughout his career, Rodney has been involved in the discovery of numerous commercial-grade deposits, including the bulk-tonnage potential of the largest operating gold mine in Alaska (Fort Knox, now at 10M ounces), the first leached-cap porphyry systems discovered in Alaska (Taurus-Bluff and others), Cerro Caliche bulk-tonnage gold discovery near Cucurpe, Sonora, Mexico, the Anderson Mountain and Red Mountain VMS deposits in the Alaska range, USA, and numerous volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS) in the Delta District, Alaska, USA. He has also discovered several gold placers in Alaska, USA.

Rodney’s expertise in minerals exploration was developed through his university education at the University of Alaska, where he studied advanced geochemistry, with special topical studies on gold geochemistry, the origin and transport of large gold particles, and leached outcrop interpretation. Additionally, he has traveled throughout western Canada, the US, and Mexico studying alteration facies and leached cap rocks of porphyry systems and some gold deposits to distinguish between barren deposits and mineralized systems.

Critical Reason #5: Lancaster Resources is Working to Deliver Climate-Positive Lithium Supplies to Market

One of the things that makes Lancaster Resources (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) unique in the lithium exploration space is the company’s commitment to responsible exploration and development.


The worldwide energy transition represents the shift from traditional, non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels to cleaner, more sustainable energy alternatives. This change is driven by concerns over climate change, the urgency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the pursuit of energy independence and security.


Lancaster Resources is committed to driving innovation in the renewable energy and mineral sectors, shaping the energy landscape, and fostering a more sustainable future for everyone, all while minimizing its environmental footprint.


Lancaster’s strategic plan – beginning with its Alkali Flat Lithium Project – includes the utilization of direct lithium extraction (DLE), renewable energy, and geothermal potential to create Climate Positive Lithium which is intended to supply the growing demand for lithium with a positive impact on the environment during the extraction and production processes.


The company is also reviewing the potential development of a solar energy facility to be built alongside the Alkali Flat property in New Mexico.


Lancaster Resource’s endeavors align with the vision of leveraging sustainable energy sources and state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate climate-positive resource extraction.


Here’s what makes Lancaster Resources’ commitment to Climate Positive Lithium can mean for investors: As the world continues to shift toward a low-carbon future – and governments step up targets for domestic lithium production – this is a company committed to sustainability.


Through its commitment to becoming a Climate Positive Lithium producer, Lancaster Resources not only reduces its impact on the environment, it also provides its customers with a socially responsible source of lithium for their products.

Critical Reason #6: Compared to Others in the Lithium Space, Lancaster Resources Inc. (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) Appears to Be Significantly Undervalued

For investors seeking the best way to play the lithium “boom” for maximum upside potential, Lancaster Resources (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) is worth considering for all of the reasons outlined so far in this space.


But it’s also worth considering simply because – when compared to other companies in the lithium exploration space – Lancaster Resources appears to offer significant upside potential.


Take Lancaster Resources’ neighbor in New Mexico, for example – Arizona Lithium (AX: AZL). Arizona Lithium has a property adjacent to Lancaster Resources’ Alkali Flats Lithium Project – and has announced exploration results and has a resource in Arizona – the company has a market cap of US $66.3 million.


Other companies in the lithium or battery metals space include:


  • Surge Battery Metals (OTC: NILIF) – a North American lithium and nickel exploration company with a US $64.3 million valuation…
  • Lake Resources (ASX: LKE) – An Argentinian lithium brine exploration company with a US $319.6 million valuation…
  • American Lithium Corp. (Nasdaq: AMLI) – a North American exploration and development stage company with a US $380.7 million valuation…
  • And Patriot Battery Metals (TSXV: PMET) – a Canadian metals company with a C $1.4 billion valuation.

Each of these companies is at a different stage of its life cycle, of course. But when considering the prospects for a company with as much going for it as Lancaster Resources (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF)a US $6 million valuation seems like something that could soon change in a big way.


That’s why it’s so important that you consider an investment in Lancaster Resources (CSE: LCR); (OTC: LANRF) now – while it remains under Wall Street’s radar – before that valuation begins to potentially climb.

Andrew Watson, P. Eng., a Qualified Person, as defined by the National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this document.


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