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AI Surprise: Unique Early-Stage, High-Upside Opportunity for Investors in Next-Generation AI Tech Company


Specializing in next-generation Artificial Intelligence, VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF) offers a rare opportunity to invest in today’s most important megatrend


Read on to discover why the world’s largest AI investment fund recently claimed a significant stake in this fast-moving company – and what that could mean for you


VERSES Corporate Update:

Wed., July 3rd at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET


On Wednesday, July 3rd VERSES AI’s CEO, Gabrial Rene, will provide a corporate update on recent events and strategic plans.


To register for the webinar interested parties can use the following link:

Countdown Expired!


VERSES AI Announces US $10 Million Investment by G42

On June 20, 2024 VERSES AI Inc. announced that it had entered into a funding agreement with Group 42 Holding Ltd. (“G42”), a leading AI technology group with a commitment to drive innovation and progress in the AI space.

The astoundingly rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence has emerged as one of the biggest stories in the financial markets.


The anticipated market size, speed and economic impact of AI is truly unprecedented as we could see growth in the industry from $207 billion in 2023 to a staggering $2 trillion by the end of this decade.[1]

And the experts at McKinsey & Company project that AI could trigger a $25 trillion surge in global GDP, enhancing productivity across all market sectors and boosting the global economy by as much as 30%.[1]


There’s no question – AI is virtually everywhere these days as we are seeing rapid growth and significant valuations for a number of AI companies.


OpenAI – the startup behind ChatGPT – is a great example.


Following its release in November 2022, in just two months’ time, OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot amassed more than 100 million users.

This growth propelled revenue for OpenAI to explode from just $22 million in 2022 to more than $2 billion by December 2023…and OpenAI believes it can double this to more than $4 billion by the end of 2025.[1]

There’s just one problem: OpenAI is a private company.


In fact, the “dirty secret” of the incredible growth in AI is that there really aren’t many ways for individual investors to play this megatrend directly.


All of the next-gen AI startups – such as OpenAI – are privately funded…meaning there’s no way for an individual investor to stake their claim.


So what does that leave for retail investors looking to take advantage of the massive AI boom?


There’s always investing in a “big tech” AI infrastructure company like Nvidia Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA)…which has grown into a $3 trillion behemoth of a company.


Or you could invest in a massive tech company such as Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) or Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOGL).


But those types of investments, while geared toward capitalizing on the AI boom, do not offer the high upside potential of direct investment in a rapidly emerging AI company. 


That’s the opportunity you now have with one company, VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF).


VERSES AI represents a rare opportunity for you to invest directly in a new-generation foundational AI company.

7 Critical Reasons Why You Should Consider

1. AI is changing the way we do everything…and the AI market is growing at a rapid pace. Since December 2022, the number of AI users has grown from 1 million to 100 million– a staggering growth rate! And the AI as a whole is projected to grow from $207 billion in 2023 to $2 trillion by the end of this decade!

2. VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF) offers investors a rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor of AI. Virtually all of the next-gen AI startups are “off-limits” to individual investors. But VERSES AI offers a chance to invest directly in a company that aspires to become a market leader in the race to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – the “holy grail” of AI.

3. $10 Million investment from leading AI tech group G42 serves as confirmation of VERSES AI’s strong potential. G42 is a global leader in the AI world and their recent financial commitment to VERSES AI shows that the company has taken great strides in developing its next-generation intelligent software systems. Investors should view this commitment as a significant indicator of VERSES AI’s outstanding upside potential.

4. The Next 12 months could be transformational for the company and for the AI industry as a whole. Given the extraordinarily rapid growth in the industry – and the company’s acceleration of its AGI technology – this is not a scenario where investors can check back in at a later date. The opportunity in the AI industry is a potentially fast-moving one as the industry continues its lightning-fast evolution.

5. VERSES AI is working to solve AI’s “narrow” intelligence problem – and is building a general intelligence technology that can learn and adapt like humans. This “holy grail” AGI goes beyond the current state-of-the-art in Silicon Valley and offers the potential to go beyond today’s specialized AI tools – such as chatbots – to more universal and adaptable AI systems capable of human-level intelligence.

6. The company’s “Genius™” platform is the world’s first generalizable intelligence. It’s a groundbreaking intelligent software system that combines the power of natural algorithms, knowledge modeling, and data transformation to create a more flexible and intelligent system. Genius™ is set to redefine general intelligence and pave the way to a super intelligent world.

7. VERSES AI is led by a group of successful technology veterans and advised by some of the world’s leading scientists. The company is led by an extremely deep team of technology veterans with decades of experience in Artificial Intelligence, IoT, robotics, VR/AR, enterprise software and global sales.

World’s Largest AI Fund Acquires Minority Stake in VERSES AI

G42 is the global leader in creating visionary artificial intelligence for a better tomorrow.

This forward-thinking AI fund was born in Abu Dhabi and has a global footprint. G42 champions AI as a powerful force for good and as a tool to improve every aspect of life.


Backed by a US $1.5 billion investment from Microsoft, G42 is actively partnering with those companies it identifies as sharing in its mission for driving innovation and progress in the AI space.


G42 has partnerships in place with companies like OpenAI, Qualcomm and Cerebras, makers of the one of the fastest chips in the world.


In June 2024 – after months of due diligence on the company and its technology – G42 announced a US $10 million investment into VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF).

Ultimate Potential Valuation of $3.5 Billion?

This important strategic investment serves as confirmation of the strong potential upside for VERSES AI moving forward, as the world’s leading AI fund has now become a minority stakeholder.


In fact, G42’s investment in VERSES AI is the very first investment G42 has made since Microsoft’s $1.5 billion backing of G42 in April 2024.


But even more than the initial $10 million investment, the agreement between G42 and VERSES provided G42 with the right to be the lead investor and invest up to an additional $90 million in a subsequent private placement raising up to $350 million at an anticipated post-money valuation of $3.5 billion.

Think about that for a second: VERSES is currently a $150 million market cap company…but planning has taken place for an investment at a potential $3.5 billion valuation!


Investors looking for the highest potential upside from an AI investment should view this commitment from G42 as a significant endorsement of the work VERSES AI has done to date and of its strong potential moving forward.

The Race is On: How Verses AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF) Stacks Up in the Cognitive Computing Race

VERSES is a Cognitive Computing company building a software platform, Genius™, that enables developers and companies to build and deploy a new generation of Intelligent Agents to power any connected device, from IoT sensors to autonomous vehicles and robotics. VERSES is harnessing a breakthrough in neuroscience called Active Inference to generate intelligent software agents that can think and learn like humans with real world context. The company presents the investing public with a rare opportunity to participate in truly disruptive AI infrastructure backed by a world-class team of over 120 employees and contractors, something traditionally monopolized by VC firms. C$78M (US$56M) has been invested in the company since 2019. 


Genius™ aims to be a better, faster, cheaper and safer solution to developing Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS). Genius™ agents form causal reasoning and belief structures about the world, update those beliefs in real time, and then share those beliefs with other agents, creating a shared ecosystem of Distributed Intelligence. VERSES’ solution allows the dream of the smart city to become a reality and is why they have been selected by partners such as: (i) NASA JPL; (ii) Volvo; (iii) the IEEE (world’s largest standards development org); (iv) the European Commission; (v) Blue Yonder; (vi) AstraZeneca; (vii) Dentons, and (viii) Analog (backed by G42) along with Abu Dhabi Smart City. 

Industry Expert Proclaims: VERSES’ Genius Platform “Far Superior…They are Quickly Advancing to Become the ‘Apple of AI.’”

Momentum is building quickly as word begins to spread of the potential of VERSES’ Genius AI platform.

Just as the investment by the world’s largest AI fund, G42, provides validation from the investment side of the potential for VERSES, the company is now also getting critical validation from distributors.

Here’s what I mean:

In June 2024, Matthew Heaviside, a Director at IT giant Accenture, had this to say about the potential for VERSES:

Cognitive Computing is a New Class of Computing Posed for Rapid Growth in the Very Near Future


Needless to say, the AI space has been white hot since ChatGPT emerged in late November 2022. Mckinsey anticipates the AI market opportunity to swell to US$17-25 trillion by 2030. Despite all the hype, Gartner (the leading technology intelligence service) predicts that generative AI, while being a true engineering marvel, has largely peaked in terms of inflated expectations. Conversely, a new class of computing comprised of: First Principles AI, Causal AI, Neuro Symbolic AI, MultiAgent AI – collectively called Cognitive Computing – has just emerged on the scene and is poised for rapid growth in the very near future (see image below, left side). VERSES believes that Cognitive Computing will achieve mainstream recognition prior to the 2-5 year time frame to mainstream posited by Gartner in its August 2023 forecast below. 

The Industry Standard: VERSES AI Receives IEEE Approval for its AI and Spatial Web Protocols

With any technology that becomes universally adapted, it’s important – in the early stages – that proper protocols are established in order to avoid potential chaos.

Think, for example, of the standards that have been established for electrical wiring…Bluetooth technology…internet protocol…and web page construction (HTML).

Without these standards, progress becomes difficult – and the companies who lead the way in the development of these standards can often enjoy a massive advantage in their industry.

That’s precisely what is happening now with VERSES AI.

In July 2024, the company announced that it had received approval from The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

The IEEE and its members help establish critical technology standards and it has declared the development of a new standard for AI and the Spatial Web to be a “public imperative.”

VERSES AI’s patented protocols now have the potential to become established as the standard for AI and the Spatial Web…and that could be massive news for the potential growth of VERSES AI moving forward.

The Problem with Artificial Intelligence Today is that it’s Narrow…VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF) is Leading the Race to Change That

Today’s state of the art AI is truly a “narrow” intelligence – and it’s essentially a single-purpose tool.


And the current approach taken by most of today’s generative AI companies is a pretty straightforward one: “bigger is better.”


This way of thinking – one where scale is all you need for growth – is that it constantly requires more data and faster processing. But this approach leads to costly “black boxes” that lack adaptability…and they lack the ability to incorporate real-time learning.

Despite their sophistication, these current AI systems are unable to explain their decision-making. They can’t adapt in real time, limiting their utility in many real-world applications. And they tend to be one-dimensional, incapable of truly understanding or articulating the rich complexity of the physical world.


VERSES AI is taking a different approach in its quest to build a truly transformational Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) model.


Rather than take the “scale up” approach, VERSES AI is modeling technology after nature’s blueprint.


In contrast to the “artificial” approaches to intelligence, VERSES AI’s technology is rooted in what is known as Natural Computing. 

This approach doesn’t merely mimic nature; it seeks to understand and implement its fundamental processes. Natural Computing explores the computational mechanisms found in nature to design new algorithms, models, and architectures.

The natural path to superintelligence follows the blueprint of biological processes. As a result, VERSES AI’s approach enables general intelligent agents (GIAs) with generalizability built in. They are more adaptive, resilient and efficient. 


The company’s ultimate vision is an intelligent ecosystem—a network of AI agents that not only understand the intricacies of the natural world but are also interconnected.

These agents share knowledge and collaboratively make decisions, striving for the same balance and efficiency that we observe in nature. Instead of isolated AI models, it’s a network of AI agents that understand the intricacies of the natural world, moving beyond mere ‘word models’.

These agents can be interconnected, sharing knowledge and collaborating with human intelligence and machines offering a level of interoperability and transparency currently absent in AI systems.

Introducing Genius™: VERSES AI’s Groundbreaking Intelligent Software Platform

VERSES AI has recently merged its underlying product capabilities into a single unified platform. Its operating system – formerly known as KOSM – and its GIA Intelligent Agent have been merged together into the world’s first intelligent software platform called Genius™.

Genius™ is a groundbreaking intelligent software system that will change how we work with information and make decisions. Unlike traditional computer programs that follow rigid rules, or current AI systems that lack memory and accuracy. Genius™ combines the power of natural algorithms, knowledge modeling and data transformation to create a more flexible and intelligent system.


Think of Genius™ as a super-smart “brain” that can process and understand complex information. It can take in structured and unstructured data and convert it into knowledge in an automated way, similar to how our brains process and organize information. Genius™ can find connections between different pieces of information. It can spot hidden patterns, similarities and connections, even when the data is uncertain or incomplete. This means Genius™ can make very accurate predictions and give us insights to make better choices.


Genius allows developers to create their own AI-enabled applications that learn through Active Inference, a new paradigm for intelligent systems that has the potential to disrupt the sector. As opposed to trying to create AI from old modalities of computing, VERSES’ approach is one based on neuroscience and a physics of intelligence that seeks to foster distributed ecosystems of intelligence. A more appropriate term for this paradigm is “Natural Intelligence”. This new, principled approach is showing significant early results in benchmark testing, yielding comparable or better performance at a fraction of the computing cost and energy, and threatens to dethrone the brute force methods of current state of the art AI. As such, the company hasn’t needed to raise the nine or ten figure rounds that its competitors have. Critically, VERSES Natural Computing is – by design – transparent,  auditable and explainable unlike the “black box” models described earlier. 


VERSES has laid out an extensive R&D roadmap for the coming year and expects to showcase its better, faster, cheaper technology against the current SOTA (state of the art) systems, demonstrating Genius as being orders of magnitude better on multiple fronts. The company is already proving that it can beat the industry standards in a fraction of the time, with a sliver of the data and with much less compute power (running on a Macbook Pro vs NVIDIA hardware). 

In a world that yearns for true AGI, Genius™ stands apart. It’s not just AI but an agent-based knowledge exchange system. With features like advanced adaptability, swarm intelligence, data privacy and security compliance and a user data exchange, Genius™ is set to redefine general intelligence and pave the way to a super intelligent world.

Artificial Intelligence has long been a promise. With Genius™, VERSES AI is turning that promise into a tangible reality.

VERSES AI Is at the Forefront of the Rapidly Growing Market for Smart City Development

Driven by urbanization, efficient resource management, public safety, and energy optimization, governments around the world are increasingly adopting smart city initiatives to address the challenges of a growing population. These efforts are primarily focused on enhance sorely needed infrastructure in critical areas such as mobility, utilities, safety, and healthcare. As a result of these efforts, the smart city market is now poised for significant growth, with experts calling for the market to reach $3.482 trillion by 2026.4


VERSES AI is at the forefront of this rapidly emerging market thanks to its partnership with Analog, a company led by Alex Kipman and backed by G42.


This partnership has been formed in anticipation of the coming growth in the smart city market and will utilize VERSES’ Genius platform. Initiatives will focus on key sectors such as smart mobility, healthcare, and energy, in collaboration with UAE industry stakeholders.


“Abu Dhabi is highly invested in Smart City development, showcasing its commitment to energy and innovative urban solutions. Their real-world applications aim to set a benchmark worldwide. Analog has a transformative vision, and our partnership with them is aimed to contribute to Smart City evolution,” said Gabriel Rene, CEO of VERSES.

Verses AI is Led by a Group of Successful Technology Veterans and Advised by Some of the World’s Leading Scientists

VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF) is led by an extremely deep team of technology veterans with decades of experience in Artificial Intelligence, IoT, robotics, VR/AR, enterprise software and global sales.


VERSES co-founders Gabriel René (CEO) and Dan Mapes (President) have 70 years of combined experience in deep tech, artificial intelligence and development. In 2019 they penned an international best-selling book titled “The Spatial Web: How web 3.0 will connect humans, machines and AI to transform the world.” The book outlined the coming Hyper-convergence and discussed generative AI and their vision of distributed ecosystems of intelligence well ahead of their rise to prominence. VERSES’ head of sales is a former principal of Accenture Digital. The company’s Chair (Jay Samit) is the former Vice-Chair of Deloitte. 

VERSES AI Leadership Team

In addition, the company’s Board of Directors includes Jay Samit, former Independent Vice Chairman of Deloitte. Mr. Samit is an international bestselling author, entrepreneur and leading expert on disruption and technology innovation.

And in December 2022, Dr. Karl Friston joined the team as Chief Scientist. Dr. Friston is one of the world’s leading and most cited scientists in the study of the brain and mind (i.e., Computational Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence).


7 Critical Reasons Why You Should Consider

1. AI is changing the way we do everything…and the AI market is growing at a rapid pace. Since December 2022, the number of AI users has grown from 1 million to 100 million– a staggering growth rate! And the AI as a whole is projected to grow from $207 billion in 2023 to $2 trillion by the end of this decade!

2. VERSES AI (CBOE: VERS); (OTCQB: VRSSF) offers investors a rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor of AI. Virtually all of the next-gen AI startups are “off-limits” to individual investors. But VERSES AI offers a chance to invest directly in a company that aspires to become a market leader in the race to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – the “holy grail” of AI.

3. $10 Million investment from leading AI tech group G42 serves as confirmation of VERSES AI’s strong potential. G42 is a global leader in the AI world and their recent financial commitment to VERSES AI shows that the company has taken great strides in developing its next-generation intelligent software systems. Investors should view this commitment as a significant indicator of VERSES AI’s outstanding upside potential.

4. The Next 12 months could be transformational for the company and for the AI industry as a whole. Given the extraordinarily rapid growth in the industry – and the company’s acceleration of its AGI technology – this is not a scenario where investors can check back in at a later date. The opportunity in the AI industry is a potentially fast-moving one as the industry continues its lightning-fast evolution.

5. VERSES AI is working to solve AI’s “narrow” intelligence problem – and is building a general intelligence technology that can learn and adapt like humans. This “holy grail” AGI goes beyond the current state-of-the-art in Silicon Valley and offers the potential to go beyond today’s specialized AI tools – such as chatbots – to more universal and adaptable AI systems capable of human-level intelligence.

6. The company’s “Genius™” platform is the world’s first generalizable intelligence. It’s a groundbreaking intelligent software system that combines the power of natural algorithms, knowledge modeling, and data transformation to create a more flexible and intelligent system. Genius™ is set to redefine general intelligence and pave the way to a super intelligent world.

7. VERSES AI is led by a group of successful technology veterans and advised by some of the world’s leading scientists. The company is led by an extremely deep team of technology veterans with decades of experience in Artificial Intelligence, IoT, robotics, VR/AR, enterprise software and global sales.








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