Woman Finds Dead Body While Playing Pokemon Go

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Pokemon Go just launched last week and already a dead body was found while playing the game. Yes, a dead body.

The location-based augmented reality mobile game developed by Niantic, has animated pokemon overlaid on top of the real world. The game requires users to walk around and capture Pokemon and collect items in real-world locations.

It was initially released on iOS and Android devices, starting with the U.S. and Australasia, with Asian and European releases to follow.

Shayla Wiggins, of Wyoming, was playing the app on her phone and instead of finding pokemon, she found a dead body instead.

Wiggins, 19, told community news outlet County 10, “I woke up this morning, and I wanted to go get a water Pokemon, so I just got up and went for my little walk, a walk to catch Pokemon.”

Instead she found a man lying face down in the river near her Riverton, Wyo., home.

According to Fremont County Sheriff’s Department, the body belonged to an unidentified adult male.

“The death appears to be accidental in nature and possibly that of a drowning,” the sheriff’s department told County 10 in a statement. “There is no evidence at this time that would indicate foul play. Evidence located at the scene has led investigators to believe the man went into the water at the location he was found.”