Was Ellen DeGeneres’ Comment About Usain Bolt Racist?

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Ellen DeGeneres has been receiving plenty of backlash for her recent image she sent out that featured her riding on Olympic gold winner Usain Bolt’s back.

On her Twitter and Instagram accounts, Degeneres sent out a picture of her riding on Bolt’s back during Sunday’s 100 meter semifinal. The suggestion was that she would use the world’s fastest man to get her errands done quicker.

One Twitter user responded with, “So the first thing that pops in your head when looking at this pic is ‘oh let me jump onto his back like he’s a common mule?”

She defended herelf over the picture that was sent out on her social media accounts and denied that they were racist.

“I am highly aware of the racism that exists in our country,” @TheEllenShow tweeted. “It is the furthest thing from who I am.”

Some people still didn’t buy it though. One Facebook user wrote, “No matter if there was no ill intent, it still has racial undertones.”

Here’s the picture, what do you think?
