Warren Buffet Just Released His Tax Info For This Reason

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Warren Buffet is one of many who are sick and tired of the excused from Donald Trump on why he won’t release his tax information.
The billionaire, who is supporting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, just released his own personal taxes and has challenged Donald Trump to do so as well.

“I have been audited by the IRS multiple times and am currently being audited,” Buffett said in a statement Monday.

He reported adjusted gross income of $11.6 million on his 2015 return and deductions of $5.5 million.

“I have no problem in releasing my tax information while under audit. Neither would Mr. Trump –- at least he would have no legal problem.”

“He has not seen my income tax returns. But I am happy to give him the facts,” Buffett said in the statement. “I have paid federal income tax every year since 1944, when I was 13. (Though, being a slow starter, I owed only $7 in tax that year.) I have copies of all 72 of my returns and none uses a carryforward.”