Waitress Fired For Having Sex With Orlando Bloom

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Many women reading the title of this article might think it was worth it. According to the Sun, Vivana Ross got fired from her job because she got caught in Orlando Bloom’s bed at her place of work.

The 21 year old waitress was pouring drinks for Bloom at the Chiltern Firehouse and bumped into him after her shift.

Apparently Bloom invited her up to his room for a drink and more escalated.

“After her shift on the Friday night, she got changed into normal clothes, left the bar, and bumped into Orlando outside,” a source says. “They chatted and he asked her to join him in his room for a drink. Of course, she said, ‘Yes.’”

According to the source familiar to the situation, “She said it was like fireworks were going off between them. In the room, they had a gin and tonic and then started kissing. He made the first moves. He’d been staying at the hotel for five days and the sexual tension had been building up. In the morning, he left early for an interview and Viviana stayed in bed — but that was a mistake.”

A manager at the hotel caught Ross in his room and fired her. The reason? For “fraternizing with clients.”

“She was informed her contract had been terminated. She left the hotel and has not been back since,” the insider alleged. “It was a one-night fling. Neither of them expected anything to come of it. It was one amazing night with incredible sex that Viviana wanted to be a good memory.”

Bloom had recently split from pop artist Katy Perry earlier this year.