Video Surfaces of Justin Bieber Telling Fan “You Make Me Sick”
Justin Bieber has been in the spotlight since he was 14-years old, so it’s understandable that sometimes the spotlight may be too much for him when he’s trying to live his personal life.
However, that is no excuse to be blatantly rude to any fan. These fans are what made you famous in the first place.
At the age of 23, his tolerance for being hounded by fans is very low, and his tolerance for selfies? It’s at zero.
Last year he put this onto his Instagram and basically said he’s done taking pictures with his fans.
He’s been on his Purpose tour recently and while in Australia, he was less than polite to a fan.
According to the pop star though, its his fans that need to back off and show some respect.
In Melbourne over the weekend, a Bieber fan, Sebah Helal, wanted a photo with him outside of his hotel Crown Casino.
Bieber responded with, “Look at your own respect level. Look at you. You make me sick.”
Helal told the Herald Sun, “When I got out of my car, I ran over to ask for a photo, and that is when he said ‘Why are you invading my privacy?'” she said. “He wasn’t in a good mood and was adamant that he wouldn’t take a photo with me,” she added.
Helal’s mother, Houda Bennaoui commented, “My daughter was bawling her eyes out. She was dying to meet him and then he humiliated her.”
Well, looks like Bieber doesn’t mind your money for his music and his concerts, but if you want a picture with him, the answer is NO.