This is What JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Does Every Morning

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Jamie Dimon is the chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. which has over $3 trillion in assets and over 250,000 employees around the world.

In order to run such a successful company, it’s not surprising to learn that Dimon has a routine he follows everyday.

Dimon wakes every morning at 5am, give or take, after sleeping around seven hours a night. In a “Coffee with The Greats” podcast interview on July 15th, Dimon said, “I read tons of stuff” for an hour and a half to two hours. To start, “I read quickly The [New York] Daily News.” Dimon’s daughter, Laura Dimon, writes for the publication.

He said he also reads The New York Post “because everyone reads The New York Post.” According to the interview, he reads a couple of sections, including the editorials. He also reads The Washington Post’s op-eds. “Then I read The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times,” he added.

Dimon said he reads “tons of other stuff” which includes “Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report and The Economist – a lot of economic stuff, analyst reports, transcripts [of speeches] and see what people say and stuff like that.”

The executive prefers reading physical papers “because you tend to scan and see different stuff and it interests you and you read it.”

“But if you do it online, you tend to push to only what you want to read and if I have time, I make myself read a bunch of stories that I wouldn’t naturally read because I want to go beyond my natural habitat,” he explained.

“I read a lot of books too, [but] more on vacation than during the year,” said Dimon.

Then at around 7 a.m., Dimon said he typically exercises for about 45 minutes. “That could be aerobic, light weights, stretching, less running.” As far as eating before his workout, he doesn’t do it. “I’m just not hungry in the morning,” he said.