This is Warren Buffett’s Definition for True Success

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The Oracle of Omaha had a new exclusive interview with Yahoo Finance and had some interesting things to say about what he thinks true success is. Surprisingly it has nothing to do with money.

The 88-year old billionaire investor told Yahoo Finance’s editor-in-chief, Andy Serwer, “Well, I’ve said many times that, if you get to be 65 or 70 and later, and the people that you want to have love you actually do love you, you’re a success.”

Buffett continued, “I’ve seen some very, very wealthy people that they give testimonial interviews to, and name schools after, and everything, and they’re miserable. Nobody loves them.”

Buffett offered three pieces of advice for people looking to succeed in business and life.
His first suggestion is to invest in yourself and to work on communication. “If you can’t communicate to somebody, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark.”

His second piece of advice is to take care of your body and mind. He explained, “You get exactly one mind and one body in this world. And you can’t start taking care of it when you’re 50.”

His third piece of advice is to associate with others who are “better than you are.” He explained, “Basically, you’ll go in the direction of the people that you associate with. And you want to have the right heroes.”