This Girl Just Went Viral For Wearing These Shorts

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This is a story that would make a normal person think, “huh?”, especially after seeing the picture of the shorts.

A British woman named Harriet Rae, went viral this week after posting a picture of herself wearing shorts. The reason? She had overheard two employees at Superdrug, a health and beauty shop, make comments about her appearance in her shorts. Not just any comments, but insults.

Rae posted an open letter on Facebook along with a picture of herself that read:

“To the two girls working in Truro Superdrug this afternoon.

Don’t worry, I heard the comments you made to each other about my appearance and my shorts,” she wrote.

“You spoke loud enough for most people to hear. Its obviously not the first time you’ve had a giggle and made comments about another girl but when you do it normally, the person you talk about probably looks away and you actually make them feel really sad inside.”

“But today, by the looks on your faces you really weren’t prepared for the massive cheesy smile I gave you!”

“Just so you know, your words didn’t hurt me. The looks you gave me did not either.”

Head Office apologized to Rae for the incident and even asked who the employees were, but Rae decline to offer their identity nor the location of where she was in the store when it happened.


One must wonder, is this just a stunt to go viral? There is absolutely nothing wrong with her appearance in the shorts that would warrant ridicule.

A Superdrug spokesman said: “Following the post on Facebook we launched an immediate investigation. At Superdrug we pride ourselves on the highest levels of customer service and would like to apologise unreservedly if on this occasion we have failed to meet our high standards. We are in touch with Harriet and have apologised.”