NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Says Broadway to Reopen

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One of the biggest but rather superficial disappointments of COVID-19 has been not being able to leave the house and see a show.

Broadway has had its lights turned off for months but they may be turning back on soon according to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo has said the state is likely to reoopen Broadway and large venues but with extensive Covid testing.

According to the governor, New York could allow Broadway, alongside other entertainment venues, to reopen with some limitations.

There would likely be a cap on audience sizes and require every person to provide a negative Covid-19 test before entering and require proper air ventilation systems in theaters.

“Would I go see a play and sit in a playhouse with 150 people? If the 150 people were tested, and they were all negative, yes, I would do that,” Cuomo said during a press briefing. “I think reopening with testing is going to be the key.”

It was in January that Cuomo remarked on opening some New York venues for wedding ceremonies with limited capacity beginning on March 15th.

People will be able to hold a wedding if everyone attending is tested before the event and the organizers receive approval from their local health department beforehand, Cuomo had said.

“Opening sites with testing is something where New York wants to lead the way,” Cuomo remarked on Monday.

The first steps to opening up Broadway venues will begin on Feb. 20 with the start of a new “NY PopsUp” initiative. The program will organize more than 300 pop-up performances over 100 days that will be free to watch, though their locations won’t be disclosed beforehand to prevent crowding, Cuomo said.

“New York leads, and we’re going to lead in bringing back the arts because we’re at a point in time where the future, my friends, is what we make it,” Cuomo added.