Mark Cuban Believes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Could Make A Lot of Money

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Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle stunned the world earlier this month when they announced they would be stepping back from the royal family.

According to famed investor Mark Cuban, the couple could make an ‘ungodly amount of money.’

The Shark Tank investing billionaire said, “As long as they stay authentic, as long as they limit their projects and don’t try to sell everything and anything, then I think they are the new Obamas,” Cuban said on “Harry & Meghan: The Royals In Crisis,” the upcoming TV show from TMZ and Fox.

“They will have such a valuable brand that they will be able to pick and choose whatever they want to do…. They’re gonna be living the dream,” Cuban added.

“Harry and Meghan are incredibly marketable,” Cuban said in a preview of Fox and TMZ’s Royals TV special.

“If either of them came on ‘Shark Tank,’ I wouldn’t even wait for them to pitch. I’d be like ‘I’m in. Whatever you want, yes,’ because they’re so marketable.”

“It would be so easy to develop products and projects for them, with them, and around them,” Cuban continued.

Fellow Shark Barbara Corcoran said, “In Harry & Meghan’s attempt to break from the limelight, they’ve succeeded in making themselves more newsworthy than ever before,” Corcoran tweeted Wednesday. “And hey @mcuban, if you’re looking for a second shark to go in on that deal, you know who to call…”

To note, former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have made millions from speaking engagements, books, and a deal with Netflix.

“They are 100% more valuable than the Obamas,″ remarked Jonathan Shalit, a celebrity agent and chairman of London-based InterTalent Rights Group. Speaking to The Associated Press, Shalit believes the the Sussexes may become a billion-dollar brand.

“The Obamas aren’t royal. They are.”

“A deal that approaches the Obamas is not likely,” said David Black to CNBC Make it. Black is the president of the David Black Agency. He does believe however that any book payday would be significant.

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