Katy Perry Got Naked For This Year’s Election

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Katy Perry, who has made it public that she is voting for Hillary Clinton, just took off all of her clothes in a mock ad to get out the vote.

The video was posted to Funny or Die, and in it, the “Firework” singer is shown waking out of bed in pajamas and dirty hair. She tells the watchers, “You can look like sh**, when you vote.”I’ve briefly scanned the constitution and nowhere does it say that you can’t just roll out of bed and come to the polls in whatever state you woke up in,” she continues.

She is then seen walking into a voting hall and says, “I sleep naked. Let those babies loose.”

Though in the video, she was taken away away by police and put in a patrol car, it still is raising awareness about voting on November 8th.

Perry did admit later in the video that “you need to wear clothes” when you vote, but looks do not matter.