Did Russel Crowe Beat Up Azealia Banks?

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According to TMZ, 25- year old rapper Azealia Banks and 52-year old Oscar winner Russell Crowe reportedly had a physical altercation during a dinner party at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Saturday, October 15.

TMZ has reported that multiple sources confirm that Banks was in the actor’s hotel suite with approximately 10 other attendees as a guest of rapper-actor RZA. RZA is a pal of Crowe’s.

In TMZ’s report, the altercation began when Banks didn’t like Crowe’s music selection, and called him and at least one other guest “boring white men.”

Another female guest defended Crowe and told Banks to “pipe down.” After that, Banks allegedly let loose a string of physical threats toward both Crowe and the woman.

Banks posted a message on Facebook, that she later deleted, saying, “To recap my night, I went to a [party] at Russell Crowes suite, at which he called me a n—-r, choked me, threw me out and spat at me,” she wrote. “Last night was one of the hardest nights of sleep I’ve had in a long time. The men in the room allowed it to happen. I feel terrible today.”

A few hours later, the rapper posted another message to Facebook, one that she has since left up: “I have receipts. Stay tuned.”
A publicist for Banks, Raýmani, tweeted on Monday, October 17, that Banks is still reeling from the confrontation. “Azalea is tremendously distraught and disheartened. She is shell shocked… and will speak out on the incident once she has had time to process the brutality and abuse she was unjustly subjected to,” he wrote.

So really, what happened? Hopefully someone sets this straight.