Blackface Bill Cosby Halloween Costume Gets Frat Member Expelled

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Some people seriously don’t think before they do things. According to the Daily Mail, a student at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) decided to dress as Bill Cosby for Halloween this year. Charles “Brock” Denton, who is a sophomore at the university and a member of Sigma Tau Gamma, dressed as Cosby, along with a tacky sweater and full blackface, to a party thrown by his fraternity.

Through the UCA campus publication The Echo, UCA President Tom Courtway addressed the incident and wrote a handwritten note posted to Twitter:

“A short time ago we were made aware of a picture on social media showing what is purported to be a UCA student wearing blackface.

This picture is highly offensive and repugnant, and this representation goes against all we, at UCA believe in and stand for.”

According to the publication, Courtway said the photo would be investigated and dealt with accordingly.

UCA’s Interfraternity Council has ‘disowned’ the chapter,” and Sigma Tau Gamma has has been suspended by its national headquarters. Denton was also expelled from the fraternity.

In Denton’s defense, one student tweeted, “The first Amendment is not UCA’s cup of tea.”

On his Instragram, which has been deleted, Denton wrote, ““I am the farthest thing from discrimination [sic]. “As a matter of fact, I fight for equality every day. I have been writing a book for two years on what it really means to be a good person. … I am by no means better than anybody else. Social media has corrupted society in regard to heated controversial topics such as this.”

According to The Echo, Denton wrote: “Within a matter of a few hours social media has made me out to be a monster, a racist, a supremacist and those are just three of the many hateful names I have been called. I have been sent death threats, threats to burn my house down.”