Bill Gates Sent an 81 Pound Secret Santa Package to One Lucky Girl

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Billionaire Bill Gates was matched up with one lucky girl on Reddit’s annual Secret Santa gift exchange.
The co-founder of Microsoft sent an 81 pound package to the Internet stranger he was matched up with.

Gates, who lives in Washington, sent the package via Fedex overnight to a Michigan woman who goes by the username Szor on Reddit. According to Szor, Gates shipped it “across eight shipment zones.”

Szor has done 95 Reddit gift exchanges, a detail Gates acknowledged by labeling each side of the box with the number.

So what was inside this big package? Szor received a personalized note from Gates, who’s been participating in Reddit Secret Santa since 2013. In the note he wrote, “I’m impressed that this is your 95th Reddit gift exchange! You seem like a very generous person, and I hope my gift makes you smile this Christmas,” he wrote.

Szor received adult-level LEGO sets, a Harry Potter Santa hat, treats for herself and her cat, and many books, including a manuscript copy of her all-time favorite: “The Great Gatsby.”

“I think this is my favorite gift,” she said in a video she posted on YouTube. “It’s really unique because it’s a manuscript book, so inside the pages are scans of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s actual handwriting and all of his notes when he was making this book.”

In his note, Gates additionally wrote: “I know no gift will ever make up for losing someone so important to you. I was very sorry to hear about your mom, and I’ve made a donation to the American Heart Association in her memory. I hope you and your family find your ‘new normal’ this holiday season.”

The donation “is the most special gift of all,” wrote Szor. “It means more to me than I can express.”