Wells Fargo (WFC) ATMs Will Have a Drastic Change Soon
In a story that was delivered to BI Intelligence “Payments Briefing” subscribers, Wells Fargo has decided to introduce a new way of withdrawing money from its ATM machines. A way that wouldn’t even require you to have your debit card.
According to CNN Money and Fortune, Wells Fargo is planning to introduce a “new mobile transaction plan” that will allow customers to withdraw cash from all of the bank’s 13,000 ATMs without using their debit card.
The new feature in the bank’s app will give customers an eight-digit code that they can put into the ATM machine along with their pin.
The bank is planning for this new plan in the beginning of spring.
Disclaimer: We have no position in Wells Fargo & Co. (NYSE: WFC) and have not been compensated for this article.