Walmart’s Just Made a Bold Move Against Amazon

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Amazon Fresh is a grocery delivery service that does pretty well for Amazon. Wal-Mart has been competitive with the online retail king and it looks like they found a new way to heat up the competition.

Wal-Mart’s, which it acquired for $3.3 billion last year, will be opening up a temporary grocery store location in New York as part of a partnership with Rachel Schechtman’s Story.

If you haven’t heard about Schechtman’s Story concept, it’s pretty neat. It’s a 2,000 square foot storefront on 10th Avenue in NYC that brings new themes every four to eight weeks. Yes, this means every four to eight weeks the place is shut down and a brand new store is built.

“What’s fresher than fresh?” Story commented in regards to the partnership with Jet. “Having healthy produce dropped at your door — and you don’t even have to be home to receive it. This is the magic of”

For six weeks, Jet will sell its grocery items at the NY location.

Wal-Mart has been busy trying to get ground in the fresh delivery market. It announced a partnership with Uber and Lyft last year also to delivery groceries to customers’ homes.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) and have not been compensated for this article.