Walmart Will Be Offering This For The First Time to Customers

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Walmart Inc. is thinking of families that are in a rush with the company’s latest move.

The e-commerce giant is offering prepared meals at its stores for the first time. Watch out restaurant industry because more people could be dining at Walmart soon instead.

The ten different meals are available now in 250 stores but will expand to 2,000 locations by the time the year ends, said a company executive.

“More than 80 percent of Americans don’t know what they will have for dinner tonight,” explained senior vice president Tyler Lehr.

Having to find a meal “puts pressure on a family,” he said.

Walmart is also introducing four $15 meal kit options in its stores. The announcement made shares of meal kit delivery service Blue Apron down as much as 5.8% on Monday.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) nor Blue Apron Holdings Inc. (NYSE: APRN) and have not been compensated for this article.