Universal is Building a Brand New Theme Park in This State

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Comcast is making a huge investment. The company is opening a new Universal theme park in the city of Orlando in Florida.

Dubbed Epic Universe, this is the single largest investment for the company in its theme park business.
Epic Universe will be on a 750-acre plot of land a few miles from the already established resort and will include hotels, restaurants and shops.

The theme park will be the fourth Universal theme park in Florida and “represents the single-largest investment Comcast NBCUniversal has made in its theme park business and in Florida overall,”said Brian Roberts, chairman and CEO of Comcast.

This will be the first park Universal has built since 1999.

Disney is also about open its second Star Wars theme park land in Orlando. Disney hasn’t built a full-scale theme park since 1998.

Disclaimer: We have no position in any of the companies mentioned and have not been compensated for this article.