Under Armour Employees Not Allowed to Use Strip Club Visits As Expenses Anymore

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Under Armour has made a change in its policy when it comes to strip clubs. Yes, strip clubs. The sport apparel company is not going to foot the bill anymore for its employees who visit them.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, Under Armour emailed employees earlier this year informing them that this practice is no longer allowed.

The company has told CNBC that it will continue to address inappropriate behavior as it strives to create a “respectful and inclusive workplace.” In a statement the company said, “We have addressed these serious allegations of the past and will continue to address workplace behavior that violates our policies. Inappropriate behavior that challenges our values or violates our policies is unacceptable – and will not be tolerated. We are committed to providing a respectful and inclusive workplace.”

According to the Wall Street Journal report, Under Armour executives and employees used to take colleagues and athletes to strip clubs according to people familiar with the situation and that the company would pay the bill.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Under Armour Inc Class A (NYSE: UAA) and have not been compensated for this article.