Target (TGT) Customers Are Not Happy Over This New Change
Target’s pharmacies have made a change to the pill bottle design that has left many longtime customers disappointed.
Target’s pharmacies used to have red prescription bottles that had color coded rings, as well as labeling on the top and prescription information that was easier to read.
Since CVS began operating Target’s drugstores earlier this year, customers have been wanting the red bottles back.
CVS has said that the company is working on designing a new system for dispensing prescriptions and helping people stay on their medications. There has been no comment on whether the bottle design would be updated.
CVS’s Carolyn Castel said the company stopped using Minneapolis-based Target Corp.’s bottles because it’s more efficient to fill prescriptions with the same bottle at all of its 9,600 pharmacies.
Disclaimer: We have no position in Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) and have not been compensated for this article.