Pepsi (PEP) To Bring Back This Controversial Ingredient

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It hasn’t even been a year since PepsiCo pulled the artificial sweetener aspartame from its ingredients, and now the company is creating a new diet beverage with it.

Safety concerns over aspartame being linked to cancer had Pepsi doing a major marketing when it first removed the ingredient.

Fans haven’t been happy and Pepsi has listened. According to Senior vice president Seth Kaufman, at the time, said that it was the “No. 1 thing” customers had been calling about.

The beverage giant will start selling a new Diet Pepsi Classic Sweetener Blend this fall, which will contain aspartame in its formula. Diet Pepsi will continue to be sweetened without aspartame.

The company will also re-introduce Pepsi MAX to U.S. consumers as Pepsi Zero Sugar and will still contain aspartame.

“Consumers want choice in diet colas, so we’re refreshing our U.S. lineup to provide three options that meet differing needs and taste preferences,” PepsiCo said.

Disclaimer: We have no position in PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE: PEP) and have not been compensated for this article.