Leading Apple Analyst Says New Mac with Apple Processor Coming in 2021

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According to top Apple analyst with TF Securities, Ming-Chi Kuo, there will be a new Mac from the tech giant with an Apple processor coming in 2021.

The analyst has revealed that Apple is planning to release a Mac computer with an Apple-designed processor in the first half of 2021.

In a note this week, Kuo wrote that Apple is investing heavily in “5 nanometer” chips to power its next generation of
products, including a new iPhone and iPad. 5nm is a measure of how small, dense, and advanced the chips can be manufactured. Kuo has said that the 5G iPhone and new iPads planned for 2020 will also use the new 5nm chips.

The current laptops and desktops from the iPhone maker use Intel processors while its iPhones and iPads use Apple-designed processors using ARM technology.

“We expect that Apple’s new products in 12–18 months will adopt processors made by 5nm process, including the new 2H20 5G iPhone, new 2H20 iPad equipped with mini LED, and new 1H21 Mac equipped with the own-design processor,” Kuo wrote.

According to the analyst, the coronavirus will not have any impact on Apple’s roadmap for 5nm chips, which he says Apple has increased investment in. Instead Kuo believes that the coronavirus may hurt Apple’s competitors’ development processes more as Apple will use more resources from companies like chip foundries.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) and have not been compensated for this article.