Is It Time To Wave Bye Bye To AT&T’s (T) U-verse?

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AT&T Inc. has decided to phase out its U-verse brand. A systematic choice considering that the company acquired DIRECTV, the largest satellite TV service provider in the U.S. The DIRECTV satellite TV brand will be renamed as “AT&T Entertainment” in the future.

The bohemoth telecom provider will now drive its new TV customers to DIRECTV’s offerings instead of its own U-verse TV offering.

The U-verse brand consists offiber-based triple-play video (TV), voice (telephony) and high-speed broadband (Internet) offerings. It is not clear how long the company will continue offering the U-verse fiber-based TV offering.

AT&T will also terminate its U-verse broadband and voice brands.

Disclaimer: We have no position in AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) and have not been compensated for this article.

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