Burger King is Accused of Doing This to its Food in a Potential Class Action Lawsuit

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Fast food giant Burger King has been accused of false advertising in a lawsuit that alleges the company’s Whoppers are too small.

A lawyer in South Florida has filed a federal lawsuit seeking class-action status alleging that Burger King has misled customers by portraying its food as being much larger compared with what it has served to customers in real life.

The suit was brought by attorney Anthony Russo, and alleges Burger King began inflating the size of its burgers in images around September 2017. Before that, the suit claims, Burger King “more fairly” advertised its food products.

The size of virtually every food item advertised by Burger King today is “materially overstated,” the lawsuit says.

Russo and the plaintiffs he is representing single out advertisements for Burger King’s trademark Whopper, saying the entire burger is 35 percent larger than the real-life version.

The suit cites as witnesses multiple YouTube users who specialize in food reviews and Twitter users who complained about their orders.

The suit seeks class-action status and demands monetary damages and a court order requiring Burger King to end what it says are its deceptive practices.

Jonathan Maze, the editor in chief of Restaurant Business magazine, said that while lawsuits against fast-food companies like Russo’s may seem to lack merit, they can sometimes scare company executives into paying settlements “when they fear bad publicity.”

“Big or small, justice is justice, and laws are laws,” Russo said, “and just because something happens to appear in someone’s opinion to be minor doesn’t mean that it is.”

“If I’m advertising a vehicle, you don’t Photoshop it to enhance it,” he said. “Sure, maybe you shoot it in its best light, but certainly you don’t make it misleading. That’s really the basis for these kinds of lawsuits.”

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