Blue Apron to Sell Meal Kits in Stores This Year

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Meal kit delivery company Blue Apron had some big news on Thursday. The company announced that it is planning to sell its meal kits in stores this year.

Blue Apron emailed a statement to Reuters announcing that their new multi-channel offering would make the Blue Apron brand more accessible across the country.

There has been no exact date on when the meal kits will hit stores or even which stores they will be sold at. The company’s CEO Brad Dickerson said to the Wall Street Journal that the company may find more customers for both that model and à-la-carte meals sold in stores and through its website.

In an interview with the Journal, he said, “The access to consumers is much broader in this avenue than the avenue we’ve been operating in the past.”

Blue Apron has been a pioneer in the meal-kit arena but has been threatened by rivals as big as Amazon and Walmart. The latter just announced recently that it would be launching meal kits in over 2,000 of its stores this year that will have a price between $8 and $15.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Blue Apron Holdings Inc. (NYSE: APRN) and have not been compensated for this article.