Apple Unveils New iPhones and New Features to its iWatch

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It’s September 12th which means today is the day Apple unveiled its brand new phones for 2018.

The tech giant has unveiled three new iPhones, the XR, XS, and XS Max for price tags of $749, $999, and $1099 respectively.

The new high-end iPhones offer dual 12-megapixel cameras as well as OLED displays ans faster A12 Bionic chips.

The XR is the company’s bargain phone that has many of the space specs as the top tier phones. It comes in bright colors as well and has a smaller battery than the new iPhone XSes.

Pre-orders for the iPhone XS and XS Max will start Friday September 14th, with the phones going on sale on September 21st. The iPhone XE will start pre orders on October 19th and sales will begin on October 26th.

Earlier this week President Trump had tweeted, “Apple prices may increase because of the massive Tariffs we may be imposing on China — but there is an easy solution where there would be ZERO tax, and indeed a tax incentive. Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants now. Exciting! #MAGA.”

At the Cupertino event, Apple also announced several new health features for the fourth series of the Apple Watch which target the Baby Boomer population. The watch can detech when the user has fallen and also a heart condition called Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), which is more common in seniors.

“Fall prevention, AFib detection and slow heart rate alerts are ideally targeted to baby boomers, where the prevalence of these conditions is much higher,” remarked Jeffrey Wessler, a cardiology fellow at Columbia University Medical Center. “If, and that’s a big if, Apple can get older populations to properly use the devices, the results could be outcome-changing.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) and have not been compensated for this article.