Apple Replaced More Batteries Than It Thought It Would

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According to a CNBC article, Apple reportedly replaced about 10 times more iPhone batteries than the tech giant had planned on.

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber has revealed that the iPhone maker has replaced roughly 11 million iPhone batteries during its iPhone battery replacement program while the company had expected to replace just 1 to 2 million.

It was CEO Tim Cook that said the iPhone battery replacements caused some of the downturn in iPhone sales last quarter.

The program ran from January of 2018 to December 31st of last year and allowed owners of iPhone 6 phones as well as newer models to replace their battery for only $29.

Apple had stated that this was one reason why the company may have missed shipment estimates in the fourth quarter and why it will ship less than expected in the first quarter.

“In addition, these and other factors resulted in fewer iPhone upgrades than we had anticipated,” Cook said earlier this year, as the company slashed its guidance.

Cook said that “some customers [were] taking advantage of significantly reduced pricing for iPhone battery replacements.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) and have not been compensated for this article.