Amazon and Gates Foundation Want to Deliver Coronavirus Test Kits to Homes

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Amazon Care, a benefit being piloted for Amazon employees and their families in the Seattle area which launched in 2019, wants to provide Coronavirus Test Kits to Homes in the Seattle area.

According to a CNBC report, the company is in discussions with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other groups to use its logistics expertise to help out with coronavirus testing efforts in the Seattle area.

The discussions have been going on for more than a week, according to three people familiar with the plans. The people declined to share their names because Amazon Care’s involvement is still confidential, and they have not been authorized to do so.

The project aims to provide kits to Seattle residents who suspect they have symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus. The test kits include nose swabs that can be mailed to the University of Washington for analysis. The goal is to process thousands of these tests each day and keep the sick at home.

Seattle has had a serious hit of the coronavirus.

A spokesperson for Amazon Care told CNBC that it’s in discussions with local public health leaders on how it can help.

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