Alphabet’s Executives are Being Investigated Over This

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The board of directors at the parent company of Google, are investigating their executives over inappropriate relationships, sexual harassment, and other misconduct.

Alphabet is conducting an investigation into sexual misconduct by executives and has even hired a law firm to assist them.

It was not long ago that a former employee named Jennifer Blakely had alleged that Chief Legal Officer David Drummond had abandoned their child after an extramarital affair. Drummond, who has been accused of having relationships with employees, had married a separately legal employee shortly after.

Jennifer Blakely wrote a lengthy Medium post that revealed she and Drummond started dating in 2004 and later had a son together. Drummond was married to somebody else at the time and had later refused to discuss child support. Blakely also claimed he had affairs with other people at the company.

The company’s board has formed an independent subcommittee to look into the issues and has hired a law firm to assist with the investigation, according to materials viewed by CNBC.

An Alphabet spokesperson commented, “As has already been confirmed in public court filings, in early 2019, Alphabet’s Board of Directors formed a special litigation committee to consider claims made by shareholders in various lawsuits relating to past workplace conduct.”

Drummond had stated, “Other than Jennifer, I never started a relationship with anyone else who was working at Google or Alphabet. Any suggestion otherwise is simply untrue.”

Drummond this week sold $27 million worth of shares, according to materials from the SEC.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Alphabet Inc Class A (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and have not been compensated for this article.