A CBS Executive is on Leave for Using Sexual and Homophobic Language

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Well one thing is for sure, words and actions have consequences. It’s been made evident this year with many executives being ousted, that once people find out you did something bad or said something bad, you will end up paying the price for it.

A CBS executive is now on leave after allegations surfaced that he had used homophobic and sexual language in the work place.

The senior vice president of talent for CBS Television Studios Vincent “Vinnie” Favale is on leave as the studio investigates the allegations.

A CNN report had said the network spoke with multiple current and former CBS employees who described instances between 2015 and 2018 where Favale allegedly made sexual, homophobic and derogatory comments.

A former female CBS executive told CNN that Favale said “he got four erections while watching Jennifer Hudson rehearse.”

Favale has denied the allegations and said his comments were taken out of context.

“The comments reported in this story are offensive and not consistent with the standards we expect from our executives or the culture we want at CBS,” CBS stated.

“The network investigated a complaint for inappropriate language that was received in January 2016, and corrective action was taken. However, since concerned voices are speaking up nearly three years later, additional review is warranted. Mr. Favale has been placed on leave while we look into this situation further.”

It was last month that CBS’s CEO Lesie Moonves was ousted for sexual misconduct allegations.

Disclaimer: We have no position in CBS Corporation Common Stock (NYSE: CBS) and have not been compensated for this article.