Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Had to Say This About Trump’s Account Being Banned

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Social media giant Twitter reported its fourth quarter earnings this week which beat Wall Street’s expectations in both earnings and revenue.

While this was a positive, the company still did not meet user growth expectations and had warned that the company expects headcount growth of over 20% this year and that overall expenses would increase by over 25%.

For the fourth quarter, Twitter reported earnings per share of 38 cents adjusted while 31 cents had been expected per Refinitiv. Revenue at $1.29 billion was higher than the $1.19 billion that was forecasted by Refinitiv. Monetizable daily active users was at 192 million compared to 193.5 million expected, according to StreetAccount.

Twitter said it expects faster revenue growth compared to expenses this year, that is if the pandemic continues to improve. The company is expecting revenue between $940 million and $1.04 billion in the first quarter. Analysts were expecting guidance of $965 million on average, according to Refinitiv.

Twitter said it expects to see mDAU growth of approximately 20% year over year in the first quarter.

“We’re a platform that is obviously much larger than any one topic or any one account,” Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey told analysts on a call. Most likely referring to former president Donald Trump’s account which had been banned.

“We have a global service. We are also not just dependent upon just news and politics being what drives Twitter,” Dorsey added. “This is why I believe being able to follow topics and interests is so critical and so important.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in any of the companies mentioned and have not been compensated for this article

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