This is How Much More Costco’s CEO Makes Than Their Median Employees

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It’s no surprise that the Chief Executive of a company would make more than other employees, but how much more Costco’s CEO is making may surprise some.

The Chief of Costco, Craig Jelinet, made 191 times more than the company’s median employee according to a proxy disclosure that was filed this week.

This is the first time Costco has revealed its pay gap since it became required with the the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

So let’s compare. Jelinek was compensated in the year prior to June 29th, 2018, a salary of $800,000, a $97,000 bonus, and almost $6.3 million in stock awards. He also had a $107,000 change in his pension value and $107,000 in other compensation that includes retirement contributions and life insurance.

The median employee at Costco on the other hand, this includes full-time and part-time as well as seasonal and temporary employees, makes about $38,810 in the same period of time.

This pay gap is one of the largest out there!

Disclaimer: We have no position in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ: COST) and have not been compensated for this article.

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