This is How Many Adults Fear a Recession is Coming Next Year

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According to an Invest in You survey, many adults are fearing that a recession could happen in 2020.

The survey has found that despite a strong economy, two-thirds of adults are in fear that a recession is on the horizon for next year.

The latest CNBC Invest in You survey polled 2,776 adults about the state of their finances, opinions about candidates and how they might affect the economy. The next presidential election is only one year away.

The survey, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, was conducted Oct. 20 through Oct. 25.
The survey found that over two-thirds of respondents said they believe the economy is going to weaken going into 2020. People who identify themselves as Republican are far less likely to agree, with 46% saying a recession is coming, compared with 84% of Democrats.

The idea that we can talk ourselves into a recession is not new, remarked Yale economics professor Robert J. Shiller.

“People tell stories, and it reminds them of other stories,” said Shiller.

His latest book is “Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events.”

According to the author, hearing about these economic periods of distress affects people’s willingness to spend, which in turn impacts corporate profits. “A decline in profits starts creating doubts in people’s minds,” he said.