This Company Could Soon Be Worth $1000 A Share
Amazon just leaped to a new high of $805.75 a share on Friay. Now expert Robert Luna is predicting that the stock will reach $1,000 a share in 2018.
It was just in May that Luna had initially predicted Amazon would hit $800 by the end of the year. He nailed it. Is he going to get his 2018 prediction right as well?
“It’s not a new story but they’re still growing revenues by 30 percent. They’re growing active users by 20 percent,” said Luna to CNBC’s “Closing Bell.”
Luna is the CEO and chief investment officer of SureVest Wealth Management.
“Eventually all retail in one way or another is going to be flowing through Amazon. This is a company that’s reinvented the marketplace,” he said.
Disclaimer: We have no position in, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) and have not been compensated for this article.