Texas Mattress Store Closes After Tasteless 9/11 Commercial

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Most people watching a San Antonio mattress store’s 9/11 inspired commercial were thinking, “Are you serious?”

The Texas mattress store called Miracle Mattress posted a commercial to social promoting a “Twin Tower sale” days before the 15th anniversary of 9/11. The commercial of course received major backlash and criticism and the store even received death threats.

In the video, they advertise several sized mattresses for the price of a twin mattress while standing in front of two towers built out of mattresses. Branch store manager Cherise Bonanno starts off by saying, “What better way to remember 9/11 than with a Twin Tower sale?” When the commercial is near the end, two men fall backwards into the mattresses with them collapsing. Bonnano then says with a cheesy smile, “We will never forget.”

Well, no wonder the store is indefinitely closing now. Although the store apologized, it was an apology that nobody wanted to accept and the store will be closed. Cherise Bonanno told San Antonio’s NBC affiliate the ad was a mistake. You can say that again.

“Our intentions were not to hurt anyone at all,” he said in a statement. “Our staff is full of military and some relatives have passed away due to 9/11. We are promoters of peace and love. We have given abundantly to our community here in San Antonio and wish to remain known as a company who respects and loves others. We hope you find it in your hearts to forgive us. Please accept our apology.”