Tesla’s CEO Just Took Advice From A 5th Grader Via Twitter

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When one thinks of Tesla, they think of brainiacs and scientists at a boardroom table discussing and swapping ideas to keep the billion dollar company successful.

Well Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk decided a fifth grader has good ideas too.

The company’s founder responded to an idea sent to him from a girl named Bria on Twitter this week. Tesla has over 1.3 million followers on Twitter.

Using her fathers Twitter account, Bria said: “I have noticed that you do not advertise, but many people make homemade commercials for Telsa and some of them are very good. I think that you should run a competition on who can make a the best homemade Tesla commercial and the winners will get their commercial aired.”

“You could give the winners a year of free Supercharging [the process by which Tesla drivers charge their vehicles] or a Model 3 Easter egg or something.”

Looks like Musk liked her idea, as he responded with, “Thank you for the lovely letter. That sounds like a great idea. We’ll do it!”

Bria is a huge fan of Tesla and even wrote in her letter, ” “Your idea for the Tesla cars is the best I have ever seen. I hope that when I’m older I can drive a Tesla.”

With the way you think Bria, I am certain one day you will be driving one.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) and have not been compensated for this article.