See Why This Billionaire Investor Works From Home Half Of The Year

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Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Group and is a billionaire. He posted a video on his blog recently where he advocates for flexible work environments and said, “I think work should be fun. It should be enjoyable. It should be satisfying.”

While many of us do not have the money yet for this, they are still good #careergoals. Branson works from his Necker Island home six months out of the year. This means he can work from his hammock or his bathtub.

The other six months of the year are spent visiting hundreds of companies that Virgin Group is comprised of.

Branson gives this advice, “It’s critical to get the balance between work and play right. Find time for yourself; work hard but also play hard.”

The self-made billionaire prefers to work in comfort. Well don’t we all prefer that?

“Too many companies don’t realize the monotony of a lot of people’s day-to-day life at work,” he said. “I try to encourage chief executives worldwide to make sure that there’s as much flexibility in the workplace as possible.”

Regarding employees, he thinks they work more effectively “when they are given the freedom to make their own decisions.”