President Trump’s Former Adviser Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to FBI

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It’s been a shocking day in Washington D.C. as former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn has pleased guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

According to prosecutors, Flynn had even spoken with a top member of President Trump’s transition team regarding his communication with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.

The transition team was led by Mike Pence, the Vice President, and other members such as Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus, and K.T. McFarland.

The court documents do not reveal what exactly the president knew about the discussions Flynn had with Russia’s ambassador.

According to lawyer who was brief on the situation, President Trump’s lawyers believe that a “very senior member” that directed Flynn was Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Mr. Flynn has denied the false accusations of ‘treason,’” but has said he will cooperate with federal prosecutors on whether or not Mr. Trump’s campaign had connections to Russians during the election and if the president or his aids tried to cover up these colluding.

Mr. Flynn remarked, “I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the special counsel’s office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.”