Juul Labs Considers Opening Retail Shops in the U.S.

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According to a CNBC report citing an unidentified source, E-cigarette maker Juul Labs is considering opening U.S. retail shops that would admit only adults.

The person familiar with the situation told CNBC on Thursday that if Juul goes through with the plans, it will first open store doors in Texas.

The person also pointed out that no formal decision has been made.

It was in March that the FDA proposed restricting where fruity flavors can be sold, limiting them to age-restricted stores such as vape shops. This could open a tremendous market for the company.

Juul’s website states that the company wants to “improve the lives of the world’s one billion adult smokers by eliminating cigarettes,” as its website claims.

The Wall Street Journal also reported Juul’s possible plans.

The San Francisco company has not made a final decision to open its own stores, but a Juul representative has said that the company has hired two employees for the Texas stores.

“We haven’t made a decision to open retail locations, but are exploring it,” the spokesman, who declined to be named, said. “Houston and Dallas are at the top of the list.”

Many are already voicing their concerns, including Sherri Onyiego, a Harris County Public Health doctor and medical director for chronic disease prevention. She said, “We are definitely concerned. E-cigarettes may be less harmful than cigarettes, but it doesn’t mean that they’re harmless or safe. The Juul store would be potentially another access point for kids.”

Disclaimer: We have no position in any of these companies and have not been compensated for this article.

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