JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Said This About Bitcoin

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Shares of Bitcoin hit as high as $19,340 on Thursday according to exchange platform Coinbase.

The gains were short lived however with the digital currency falling steeply down to $15,198.63. The moves on Thursday prove just how volatile Bitcoin can be.

The man who once called it a fraud, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, has now said he is “open-minded to uses of cryptocurrencies” but with regulation. In a satement to CNBC, Dimon said, “I’m open-minded to uses of cryptocurrencies if properly controlled and regulated.”

“Look, everyone has a personal opinion about bitcoin. I remain highly skeptical of it,” Dimon told the network. “But as I’ve said previously, I’m open-minded to uses of cryptocurrencies if properly controlled and regulated.”

Back in October Dimon was more negative towards the cryptocurrency and had said, “If you’re stupid enough to buy it, you’ll pay the price for it one day.”
In October, Bitcoin was under $6,000.

Dimon has even forecast previously that bitcoin could hit as high as $100,000. “I’m not saying ‘go short bitcoin and sell $100,000 of bitcoin before it goes down. This is not advice of what to do. My daughter bought bitcoin, it went up and now she thinks she’s a genius.”

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