Everybody Loves Raymond Creator Has New Food Show on Netflix

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Phil Rosenthal was the hit creator of the highly acclaimed television sitcom “Everybody Loves Raymond,” and now he has a new show on Netflix.

Rosenthal is the name behind a new show called “Somebody Feed Phil” on Netflix that showcases six cities. The cities are Lisbon, Mexico, Bangkok, Tel Aviv, Saigon, and New Orleans.

On the show, Rosenthal eats at high-end restaurants and even street vendors to showcase an assortment of food.

According to the Rosenthal, the idea for his new show actually came from Ray Romano who starred on “Everybody Loves Raymond.”

“It started on Raymond, it started when we went to Italy with the show,” Rosenthal told CNBC’s On the Money in an interview.

“Ray had never been to Europe,” he added.

He said that it was in Italy when Raymond’s spirits changed.

“That’s when the light bulb went off, because I got such a high seeing it happen to him, I thought what if I can do this for other people?”

Rosenthal is starting with “Earth’s greatest hits, the best, most accessible places to go.”

Regarding Bangkock he said, “Everyone speaks English, it’s a big modern city, all the conveniences, you’re going to have a hotel, you’re going to have a bed…the food is unbelievable.”