Elon Musk Announces Launch Date for Tesla Model S Plaid in China

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced this week that the company’s Model S Plaid would be launching in China next March.

The vehicle, which launched in June this year, costs a reported $129,990. The sedan has a 520-mile range and it can reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.

Responding to a question on Twitter late on Sunday night about when the electric vehicle will come to China, Musk said “probably around March.”

Currently China is the largest electric car market in the world.

When the Model S Plaid was launched, Musk said it would be, “Faster than Porsche but safer than Volvo.”

In other news regarding the outspoken chief executive, Musk has vowed to leave JP Morgan Chase a “one star review on Yelp.”
A lawsuit was filed earlier this year in the US District Court of the Southern District of New York where JPMorgan has accused Tesla of stiffling the bank on a trade that the bank helped to arrange in 2014.

In a statement, JPMorgan said, “We have provided Tesla multiple opportunities to fulfill its contractual obligations, so it is unfortunate that they have forced this issue into litigation.”

“If JPM doesn’t withdraw their lawsuit, I will give them a one-star review on Yelp,” Musk said in response to requests for comment from The Wall Street Journal.

“This is my final warning!” he added.

Disclaimer: We have no position in any of the companies mentioned and have not been compensated for this article.

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