Church Shooter Dylann Roof Is Assaulted In Jail

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Dylann Storm Roof has a face that’s hard to forget. He is the 22-year old American that is suspected of perpetrating the Charleston Church shooting last June where nine parishioners during a Bible study at Emanuel AME Church were slayed. Roof faces the death penalty in upcoming trials in federal and state courts.

According to Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon, he was slugged Thursday by a black inmate at South Carolina’s Charleston County Detention Center where he is being held.

According to the police report, 26-year old Dwayne Stafford ran down the stairs from his cell after Roof went to the shower around 7:45 a.m. and hit him, bruising Roof’s face and back. Stafford is awaiting trial on first-degree assault and strong-armed robbery charges.

Roof was examined by jail medical personnel and returned to his cell.

Cannon has told reporters that Roof and his attorneys don’t want to press charges.

Officials are investigating how Stafford was able to get to Roof as he had to get through a steel cell door with a narrow vertical window and then down the stairs to reach him. Officials are interviewing the two detention officers assigned to the unit and into the possibility that the electronic door mechanism malfunctioned.

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