Cambridge Analytica Former CEO Accused of Embezzling Millions of Dollars

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By now everyone is familiar with the company Cambridge Analytica. It was the British political consulting firm that was behind the huge data privacy scandal that involved Facebook.

The firm was hired by Donald Trump in 2016 when he was running for President of the USA.

The Parliament’s Media Committee this week asked former CEO Alexander Nix if Aleksandr Kogan, the researcher linked to the scandal, had given data to him.

“Of course, the answer to this question should have been ‘yes,'” Nix said.

He also said he did not deliberately mislead British lawmakers and that the company had deleted the data, which had been of no use.

Well the news gets juicier about Nix this week.

According to The Financial Times, Nix has been accused of embezzling $8 million from the company before it collapsed.

The Financial Times has reported that Nix has refused to return the money.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB) and have not been compensated for this article.