Best Buy Board is Investigating its CEO for Possible Misconduct

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Best Buy’s Chief Executive may be in trouble, at least according to a new Wall Street Journal report.

The electronic retailer company’s board is investigation allegations of misconduct by its leader Corie Barry after receiving an anonymous letter.

The board has hired an outside counsel to investigate the situation. According to the letter, Barry has allegedly been in engaged in a romantic relationship with another company executive.

The letter states that Barry has had a years-long relationship with former Best Buy senior vice president Karl Sanft before she became CEO last June.

“Best Buy takes allegations of misconduct very seriously,” a Best Buy spokesperson said. “We encourage the letter’s author to come forward and be part of that confidential process. We will not comment further until the review is concluded.”

Barry has stated, “The Board has my full cooperation and support as it undertakes this review, and I look forward to its resolution in the near term.”

The company’s former CEO Brian Dunn resigned in 2012 over allegations of a relationship with an employee.

Disclaimer: We have no position in Best Buy Co Inc. (NYSE: BBY) and have not been compensated for this article.

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