Anthony Weiner Is Being A Dirty Old Man Again

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Congressman Anthony Weiner is up to his old tricks. He has been sexting another woman while his wife Huma Abedin is campaigning for Hillary Clinton.

Weiner, who resigned from office after it was revealed that he was pursuing other women on Twitter and sending naughty pictures of himself, even posted a raunchy selfie with his 4-year-old son in the background.

The Post published this pcture as well as screenshots of the pair’s exchanges. The two began messaging on Twitter in late January 2015.

In the picture, Weiner has a bulge in his white boxer briefs while his son cuddles up to him on the left side.

The conversation went as follows:

“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote.
“Really?” she responded.
“You do realize you can see you[r] Weiner in that pic??” the woman wrote.

Weiner has admitted that the 40 something divorcee and him “have been friends for some time.”

Weiner told The Post, “she has asked me not to comment except to say that our conversations were private, often included pictures of her nieces and nephews and my son and were always appropriate.”